From expertise to action: our unique toolbox for your success
Over the years, we’ve refined an approach that combines the best of corporate strategy and foresight. Our strength? Combining proven methods with our field experience in research, analysis and group facilitation.
Discover how our expertise can transform complex concepts into concrete solutions for your organization.
1. Trends & Signals Detection | Anticipate the future
Passionate about discovering fragments of the future already emerging, we transform weak signals into strategic information. Our team analyzes the drivers of change to give you a head start:
- Insightful trend reports
- Targeted content curation
- Inspiring white papers
- Strategic monitoring of weak signals
2. Analysis & Strategy | Turn vision into action
Together, we turn future opportunities into action plans:
- Analysis of macro change drivers
- Development of positioning and load-bearing trajectories
- Strategic alignment: vision over three time horizons
- Strategic coaching for executives and decision-makers
3. Workshops & Training | Innovate collectively
Discover a new way of thinking about the future! In just a few hours, unleash your team’s creative potential and transform your vision of the future:
- Practical foresight training
- Tailor-made inspirational conferences
- Expert popularization of complex subjects
- Creating inspiring stories of the future
The Société des Demains is preparing a brand new range of à la carte training courses, workshops and conferences.
Stay in the loop and be the first to know!